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Monday, September 6, 2010

I'd rather be painting!

I seem to be spending too much time on the computer lately, when I'd rather be painting.  Tomorrow and the next few days, when it's nice, I'm going out to do just that! 
My show is soon coming to a close, and I'm in the process of setting up some future venues so there's a goal ahead to plan for.  I need that. 
I really love painting, but am developing quite a collection downstairs!  I believe my work is good,  & my prices are reasonable,  (let me know if I'm wrong please! ), but they're just not moving.  I've just added quite a few more pieces to my site on FAA (Fine Art America)  so maybe if someone likes a piece but can't afford it, they can at least get a print or some cards.  I've always held the belief in the value of originals.  Once an original is sold, I won't touch that file.   This digital age sure has its pros and cons!

BTW. Just finished this piece on the right!  Old doors in Paris with no door knobs!  Very interesting!

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